Frequently Asked Questions
This is an important time to ask questions. No matter what you are feeling, we want to help. You deserve to be informed, which is why we've made it our goal to give you the information you need.
Pregnancy Testing
What are the common signs of early pregnancy?
If you are experiencing any of these early signs of pregnancy, according to the Mayo Clinic, you should take a pregnancy test to confirm.
There are several common symptoms of pregnancy, and they can show up early. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you might be pregnant, and your next best step is to take a pregnancy test. Use this list of symptoms from the Mayo Clinic to determine if you should take a pregnancy test:
Missed Period
Tender, swollen breasts
Nausea, with or without vomiting
Increased urination
Food Cravings or Aversions
Mood Swings
When should I take a pregnancy test?
You are likely to get reliable results if you wait until the first day after your missed period. However, because every woman is different and some will have irregular periods it can then be more challenging to get accurate results. Our staff is trained on how to help you get the most accurate information even if you don't have a regular cycle.
How does a pregnancy test work?
Your body produces a hormone typically referred to as “the pregnancy hormone” while you’re pregnant. When you become pregnant, the hormones actually increase in your blood and urine, and a pregnancy test will allow us to test to see the amount of this hormone in your urine, which will ultimately tell you whether or not you are pregnant.
Do I need an ultrasound?
Yes. Beyond just determining whether or not you are pregnant, the ultrasound is aimed at giving you additional information regarding the viability (the pregnancy has not miscarried and is not ectopic), the location of the pregnancy, and exactly how far along you are. No matter what decision you are planning to make, it will be important to have these questions answered.
Why check for a viable pregnancy?
This is especially important if you are considering abortion. About 10 to 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage, in this case the choice whether or not to have an abortion becomes irrelevant. Make sure you are aware first of the viability (the pregnancy has not miscarried and is not ectopic) to ensure you are making the most informed decision.
Why check to see where my pregnancy is located?
An ultrasound will also help you understand the exact location of your pregnancy. Unfortunately, not all embryos end up where they belong. Sometimes, pregnancies may end up as an ectopic pregnancy, which means that the embryo actually began to develop in the fallopian tubes.
This is a serious health concern, and needs to be addressed immediately. An ultrasound will allow you to see where your pregnancy is located.
Do I really have options?
Yes. We know that sometimes it can feel like you really only have one option, but we believe it is vital for you to know that you always have three options: parenting, adoption, and abortion.
How do I know that I will be given accurate information?
We are committed to giving you accurate information about abortion and its side effects, provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the pros and cons of adoption, and the possibility of parenting. Let us be that safe place where you can share your concerns, dreams, and life situations. Ask as many questions as you need to so you can be confident with your final decision.
What if I make the wrong decision?
The best advice we can give you to have confidence in your decision is to come in and make sure that you are well-informed about all of our options. That way you can make an informed decision.
Is parenting right for me?
This is a great question. We are here to help you sort through questions like these and to give you the support you need. You shouldn't have to answer this question alone, and you don't have to raise your child by yourself either. Your dreams don't have to stop here, we believe in you. But ultimately if you don't feel that you are able, we believe that adoption could be a good option for both you and your baby to thrive.
Are there available resources to help me?
Yes. Not only do we want to give you the information you need to make a decision, but we've put together many resources to help you throughout your parenting journey. At Pregnancy Resources of Abilene, we offer free parenting classes, baby supplies, childbirth preparation classes, community resources, and even groups.
What is adoption?
Adoption is a legal process that will transfer your parenting rights and responsibilities to an adoptive family or parent. If you decide that adoption is right for you, you will be the one making decisions on behalf of your baby. We understand that transferring your parenting rights to another family is a difficult decision, which is why it's such good news that you will be in the drivers seat regarding who adopts your child, what type of family your baby will go to, and even whether or not you'd like to continue to be a part of the baby's life in the future.
If you are considering adoption, please come in and meet with our adoption specialist. She would be more than happy to help answer any questions that you may have and can refer you to several adoption agencies.
Are there different types of adoption?
Yes. The most common type of adoption today is open adoption. This allows the doors for relationships to remain open with the birth parents, adoptive parents, and child (open adoption agreements are not legally enforced in the state of TX). The next type would be semi-open. A semi-open adoption only partially leaves the door open for ongoing communication. And Lastly, there is a closed adoption. In a closed adoption, you will remain anonymous. You can have the option of selecting an adoptive family or allowing an agency to select a family for you.
Where do I start?
Ask lots of questions! Your first step can be coming in to talk with our adoption specialist. Don't be afraid to call different adoption agencies and ask them questions as well. You will not be pressured to make a decision right away.
Can I speak to other women who have chosen adoption?
Yes. This is a great resource to hear from many other women who have already gone through the process of adoption and can share their experiences and feelings along the way.
Is abortion legal in Texas?
No, abortion is now banned in the state of Texas, under Chapter 170A of the Texas Health & Safety Code, except in certain narrow circumstances.
Section 170A.002 restricts a person from performing, inducing, or attempting an abortion. Exceptions are for situations in which the life or health of the pregnant patient is at risk.
It’s also important to note:
-Women can not be sued or prosecuted for their own abortions.
-It is perfectly legal and completely confidential to come and talk to us about abortion.
Do you provide abortions?
Because in our experience the majority of women say they have stress or regret after an abortion, we choose not to provide or refer for abortions. We can, however, give you a safe environment to process all of the information that will be presented in a nonjudgmental, nonpolitical way. We also will be able to do a free ultrasound to verify how far along you are.
What if I change my mind?
Good news. If a woman changes her mind after taking the first dose of the abortion pill, a reversal medication is available. Please call this Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline at 1-877-588-0333 Available 24/7. The success rate for this is currently 68%
What are the types of surgical abortion?
There are two types of surgical abortion depending on how far along you are. There is *Suction Curettage or *Dilation and Evacuation.
What about the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is a method used to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages. It is a combination of drugs. The first drug is intended to terminate the pregnancy, and the second drug causes contractions in order to expel the baby from the womb. It is important to remember abortion is a medical procedure that can come with side effects and risks.